City Council


Coffee with the Mayor

Join Mayor Russ Axelrod for coffee. These informal meetings are an opportunity for you to get to know Mayor Axelrod and speak with him about subjects that matter to you.

Mayor's Chat

Join Mayor Russ Axelrod for a chat. These informal meetings are an opportunity for you to get to know Mayor Axelrod and speak with him about subjects that matter to you.

Happy Hour with Councilor Frank

Join Councilor Thomas Frank for happy hour. These informal meetings are an opportunity for you to get too know Councilor Frank and talk with him about topics that matter to you.

Chat & You Can Chew Too with Councilor Martin

Join Councilor Bob Martin for breakfast. These meetings are an opportunity for you to get to know Councilor Martin and speak with him about subjects that matter to you.

Meet & Greet with Councilor Perry

Join Councilor Brenda Perry for tea. These informal meetings are your opportunity to get to know Councilor Perry and talk with her about topics that matter to you.

Coffee with Councilor Tan

Join Councilor Jenni Tan for her monthly coffee. These informal meetings are your opportunity to get to know Councilor Tan and talk with her about issues that matter to you.

Happy Hour with Councilor Frank

Join Councilor Thomas Frank for happy hour. These informal meetings are an opportunity for you to get too know Councilor Frank and talk with him about topics that matter to you.

2016 Council Goals

City of West Linn | 2016 City Council Goals
Adopted February 8, 2016

Hire a New City Manager

  • Work with Prothman to implement the best manager search process and timeline.
  • Involve citizens in the search and interview process so it includes community values.
  • Provide frequent status updates to the community until announcement of hiring.

Refine Arch Bridge Area Master Planning & Assess Potential Property Acquisitions
