City Council


2021 Council Goals

West Linn City Council held their annual Goal Setting Retreat on Friday and Saturday, April 2 and April 3, 2021.  Community participation, survey results and comments helped guide the Council in setting goals for the City. Council Goals are one of the most important ways to unify and drive the work of the Council, citizen advisory groups, and staff throughout the year. 

Goals were organized under the visioning statements below, created by the Council to help guide their work in setting goals inclusive of the whole community:

"A West Linn that is for all people…"

Statement on Oppenlander Field

Updated August 17, 2021

The West Linn City Council and West Linn-Wilsonville School District have agreed on a Letter of Intent that will allow West Linn residents to vote in the May 2022 election on whether to acquire the Oppenlander property. This agreement will be formalized through a Purchase and Sale Agreement as a next step. Key points of the Letter of Intent include:

City Council Executive Session

The City Council will reconvene in a public session at the conclusion of the executive session. When they do, the public can watch this meeting online via YouTube:

City Council Work Session

This meeting can be viewed on the City's YouTube page:

Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month

May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month – a celebration of those in the Asian and Pacific Islander community in the United States. On May 10, 2021 the City Council read a proclamation recognizing the history and achievements, as well as the fear and struggles the Asian-Pacific American community has faced, especially since the onset of the pandemic. 
