The Cyclical Nature of Technology

Circle  with 7 catagories flowing around the circle, Security, Maintenance, Support, Consulting, Design, Procurement, Deployment

Information Technology Understood as Cycles


There are multiple aspects of security including hardware, software and physical.  The most important aspect of security is access.  The most secure IT Infrastructure is an unusable infrastructure.   Establishing a good balance between usability and security is a regular activity across the multiple platforms managed.


Maintenance involves the activities that keep hardware, and software in top condition and assuring that it is running error free and maximizing up-time.  One of the most important aspects of maintenance is monitoring of critical hardware and applications. 


The users in any organization require assistance when technology is broken or are interested in enhancing existing technology.  User support is a corner stone in an Information Technology department, frequently the gateway into improved performance and efficiency.


When change is needed, whether it is municipal services expansion or contraction, a plan is required.  Consulting is the process of understanding the required change and properly documenting it and evaluating options for future implementation activities. 


After the documentation and discovery is completed the delivery of a comprehensive design is used to engage stakeholders. The consult and design processes operate as a mini-cycle enabling the refinement of the end change and metrics for success.


A completed design leads to the approval and expenditure of financial resources.  Financial resources are converted to hardware, software and labor.


Hardware and software are deployed in a manner that is both expeditious and guaranteed to operate within the established design.



The Completion of the Implementation cycle is not the end, the Information Technology department must continue to secure, maintain, and support the implemented change.