Mapleton Partition

Project ID: 
Project Type:
Private Development Project (Public Improvement)
Project Status: 
Project Manager: 
Erich Lais
Project Contact Information: 
Erich Lais 503-722-3434
Project Dates: 
05/05/2017 - Public Improvement Permit Issued
Deadline Type: 

3-lot partition for future residential homes at 3777 Mapelton Drive including required street, storm, water, and sanitary sewer public improvements.

Associated Planning Department Files:

MIP-14-05    WAP-14-02

Status Updates

08/31/2017 - Plat is approved and was released to Clackamas County for recording.

08/03/2017 - Curbline proof roll (7' of 16') at approach entrance inspected and approved.

07/28/2017 - Inspection and approval of sanitary sewer and storm lateral installation and connections within the right-of-way

07/06/2017 - Preconstruction meeting to discuss project control, technical requirements, and schedule.

06/29/2017 - Public Improvement construction plans approved; construction will not take place prior to securing a performance bond.

05/05/2017 - Public Improvement Permit issued


Disclaimer notice regarding the project information on this site: The City of West Linn is pleased to provide as much information as possible on our website for the benefit of the public. This information is updated by staff on a periodic (not daily) basis. However, please be aware of the following: The information on this site is not the official file of record and there may be additional project information in the file of record that is not posted on this site. The information on this site may not include the latest submittals or changes to an application. Interested parties are encouraged to call the City project manager with any inquiries on a project. The official file of record is kept in the City Department managing the project and is available for public review during regular office hours at City Hall located at 22500 Salamo Road, West Linn, Or 97068. Any questions related to any project should be directed to the project manager listed in the file, or by calling City Hall at 503-657-0331.