
Parker Crest Neighborhood Association Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: February 22, 2006 West Linn City Hall 7:00 PM Attendees: Bill Relyea, PCNA President Alice Richmond, Past President Bela Barany, PCNA Treasurer Sue McHugh, PCNA Resident Esther Cramer, PCNA Resident Paul Seilo, SFA Design Alex Stout, SFA Design Don Frank, PCNA Resident Ann Frank, PCNA Resident Kirstin Greene, Cogan Owens Cogan, Consultant Suzanne Roberts, Cogan Owens Cogan, Consultant Bryan Brown, City of West Linn, Planning Department Director Scott Suppelsmeir, PCNA Resident Joanne Pinelli, PCNA Resident Jeff Shape, Renaissance Homes Minutes 7:00- Meeting Opens – 7:01- Introduction – Welcome Approve January-2005 Minutes 7:05- Overview of current events • Metro Open Space Bond – The City Council will have an item on their upcoming meeting scheduled for February 27, 2006, Agenda Bill 06-02-16, Nominating Specific Park Projects and Potential Property for Inclusion on the Metro Greenspaces 2006 Natural Areas Measure Project List. A motion was made, carried and unanimously approved to support this agenda item. • Ron Hudson as Chair of the Traffic Safety Committee contacted PCNA about converting the permanent radar sign on Rosemont Road into a portable sign. The membership discussed this item and proposed that the sign be made portable, but be used within the PCNA, and RSNA boundaries, they also suggested that the conflicting speed traffic signs on Rosemont be resolved, and that school zone signs be installed. These items will be passed on to Mr. Hudson via email. • A draft letter awarding the Music in the Park series a $250.00 donation was presented to Arts Commission member Esther Cramer. • A request from the membership to discuss the practice of door-to door solicitation ordinances was discussed. The membership agreed to investigate this matter and come up with suggestions for a draft submittal to the City Council. • Development and Construction Projects Report- The Olsen property is due for presentation before the Planning Commission, the membership expressed concern over the density of the proposed project and the lack of amenities included in the developers plans, the membership previously recommended to the developer during the public comment period that a swimming pool, tennis courts, RV parking and HOA fees should be included in his project. A motion was made, carried and unanimously approved to have comments presented to the Planning Commission. • Pre-Application Hearings Report 7:15- SFA Design Group Presentation- Paul Seilo and Alex Stout of the SFA group provided an overview of their proposed 6 lot sub-division, the property will be purchased and developed by Renaissance Homes, Several members had questions and concerns about the following items: 1. The location of the flag lots and the creation of alleys behind the existing homes on Coho Lane. 2. The flyer that Mr. Hogue sent out prior to the election for annexation of his property, stated that the property would be used for the development of a single home for his family and not a sub-division plan. 3. The membership in general expressed concern about the process of annexation and the development process in general. The system fails to incorporate community comments and concerns into the property owners development plans. The Planning Commission or City Council needs to develop the means to incorporate value added features into the process which enhance the quality of life for the citizens of West Linn, when new development is taking place. Features like community swimming pools, RV and Boat parking lots, club houses, tennis courts, all add value and enhance our community, these items need to be addressed and included in development plans. There is not enough emphasis on Design Review, and no check and balance system which allows the general public to understand the complete picture before voting on annexation issues. 4. If a party publicizes that their intention is to use the annexed property for their personal residence than the City should hold them to that statement and disallow sub-division of the property. 8:00- Cogan Owens Cogan Presentation- Kirstin Greene and Suzanne Roberts of Cogan Owens Cogan a Land Use Development Consulting firm held an Organizational Meeting with the membership and discussed the following items: 8:00- Introduction and Overview 8:10- Review project scope of work and schedule 8:20- Determine ideal make up of Neighborhood Plan Leadership team (NPLT) • Stakeholder and interest groups • Potential members o Homeowner Association Representatives o Neighboring CPO’s o Arts Commission Member (Esther Cramer) o Adult Community Center Staff Member o Neighborhood Association Board o School District Representative (Rosemont Ridge Middle School) o Environmental (Goal 5) o Parks and Recreation Representative o Home Builders Association o Traffic Committee Representative o City of Lake Oswego Representativee 8:40- Other • Preliminary NPLT #1 meeting date, Scheduled for March 14, 2006, 7:00 PM at the West Linn Adult Community Center • Issues • Outreach opportunities 9:00 Meeting Adjourned