
Parker Crest Neighborhood Association Minutes March 3, 2003 March 3, 2003 was our first formal meeting to associate a constructive contemporary neighborhood conglomerate ruling direction, due to its newness explosion of habitations within its geographical scope perimeter: * A President to officiate and monitor the neighborhood association and, one representative from each subdivisional hamlet as officers (under the President). * Alice Richmond, continuing as President to oversee all areas including expenses, events, communications, issues, etc. Alice to delegate possible responsibilities as necessary. Our itemized agenda was fully covered and complied. Meeting was called to order at 7:07 p.m. Introductions followed for resident/Chief John Ellison, West Linn Police Department and Shauna Shroyer, West Linn Volunteer Coordinator. Everyone in the assembly contributed and participated in the discussions on this date. Dialogues prompted on three issues for the Traffic Safety Committee to consider: * "Children Playing" signs on Parker Road and Hoodview. * Crosswalk (marked) between Hoodview area and Rosemont Ridge Middle School for school children now crossing this area – with no present safety. * Bicycle path on both Parker Road and Rosemont Road needed running east from Rosemont Ridge Middle School. * Rosemont/Stafford Road round-about discussion reflects for safety traffic lights; suggestion in favor. Looking ahead, Alice introduced few new events: * A summer kite festival with contests * A harvest wine tasting Both generated favorable avant-garde. * Annual picnic along with Starbucks (coffee jamboree). Alice has approached this idea to Anna Sun (manager of Starbucks near City Hall) who received the thought amicably. Alice is looking forward to this one! The intention on this later is to have it open to all neighborhood associations. The meeting was adjourned on time at 8:30 p.m. while agenda was concluded, further conversations cordially labored amid few and all (in chambers and outdoors). Attendance was good – 18 people, including one from the Cascade Summit Neighborhood Association. Here I would like to extend a welcome to all residents to the Parker Crest Neighborhood Association meetings. Date – April 7, 2003 Time – 7:00 p.m. Location – West Linn City Hall Council Chambers (upstairs) A couple people came forward to (hopefully) type these minutes in the future. Respectfully Submitted, Alice Richmond, President