Read Local Author Fair

Calendar Date:
Saturday, March 1, 2025 - 12:00pm

Read Local Author Fair 2024 Image

Saturday, March 1   |   12:00‐2:00 PM  |  Main floor of Library

We welcome you to our Read Local Author Fair on Saturday, March 1, from 12:00‐2:00 PM. This free event is an exciting opportunity for readers to explore new authors, talk with them, learn about the writing process, and purchase their books ‐ and have books signed, as well! The event will feature fourteen talented local authors, and there will be a free raffle for a chance to win one of their books!

Authors have already been selected for this event, please check our newsletter in the winter for the call for our next Read Local Author Fair. 

Get to know our Read Local Fair Authors

Steve Davala is a Pacific Northwest author and has been teaching in West Linn for 25 years.. He loves writing fantasy, sci-fi, and even children's books. His first book was The Soulkind Awakening, book 1 in the Soulkind Series. This was a fantasy trilogy about magic returning to a land where it was silenced for a thousand years. He and his wife, Laurie, co-wrote the delicious "Books are for Reading, Not Eating!" And finally, he created his own sci-fi world of Magla in the book "Skywatch." Books are available in paperback, e-book, and Audible and iTunes.

Sher Davidson was born in California but has resided in Oregon for many years and lives now in West Linn. A former Jewelry Designer and artist, Sher’s first book, non-fiction was a travel memoir and guide, Europe with Two Kids and a Van about her family’s travel adventures. A 50th-anniversary edition will be published in 2023. In 2014, Sher had her first novel, Under the Salvadoran Sun published. Her second novel, Dark Secrets, A Legacy of Memories from 1939 Sweden, historical fiction, was published in July 2022.

Dayle A. Dermatis is the author or coauthor of many novels (including snarky urban fantasy Ghosted, spicy rock-and-roll romance A Little Night Music, and YA lesbian romance Beautiful Beast) and more than a hundred short stories in multiple genres, appearing in such venues as The Saturday Evening Post, Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine, and DAW and Pocket Books. She lives in a historic English-style cottage with a tangled and fae back garden, in the wild greenscapes of the Pacic Northwest. In her spare time she follows Styx around the country and travels the world, which inspires her writing.

She’d love to have you over for a virtual cup of tea or glass of wine at, where you can also sign up for her newsletter and support her on Patreon.

Van grew up in the new age circus known as the entertainment industry. She was first published in an anthology of poems in 1997. In the early 2000s, she was showcased in young filmmaker competitions for her screenplays, and in 2018, while getting her Master's in Education, she indie-published her first book of short stories, Stories to Curl Your Toes. Since then, she has been featured in podcasts, horror competitions, and has published another collection of short stories called Bloody Ever After. She currently resides in the PNW with her family and continues to unleash her wild and bloody stories into the world.

Rio Koviak was born in Los Angeles, CA, and earned a bachelor’s degree in Theater/Film at UCLA. While working in the talent and casting departments for such companies as ABC, Paramount Pictures, and Warner Bros., Rio continued to write fiction, short stories, and humor. Meanwhile, Rio had developed a fascination with ethology and obtained an Exotic Animal Training, Behavior, and Management degree at Moorpark College, CA. After working in the animal industry for many years in the Bay area, Rio met her book- designing husband Ian Koviak, and the two relocated to Portland, OR to raise their family.

Rio began composing and narrating tales for her little ones using elements from her two former disciplines (creative arts and animal behavior/education). Rio and Ian wanted to collaborate on a story using his graphics and her characters, and the Hoagie & Katie series was born!

Saranna DeWylde is the acclaimed author of paranormal romance and horror, including the 10 Days Trilogy, The Woolven Secret series and the Fairy Godmothers, Inc series. She also writes contemporary romance and nonfiction under the names Sara Arden and Sara Lunsford. A former corrections officer, she realized she preferred writing Happily Ever Afters over disciplinary reports and traded in her cuffs for a full-time keyboard. She lives in Leavenworth, Kansas and can be found online at

Dede Montgomery is a 6th generation Oregon author and blogger who lives in West Linn. She is the author of two memoirs (From First Breath to Last: A Story About Love, Womanhood, and Aging; My Music Man) and two works of fiction (Beyond the Ripples; Humanity’s Grace). Compassion, grief, human connectedness, and the power of place all empower her writing. These four books are published by Bedazzled Ink Publishing. Learn more at

Dawn Babb Prochovnic has devoted her life’s work to initiatives that support literacy and the literary arts including early literacy enrichment programs; school/library author visits; creative writing workshops; and her educational blog. Dawn received the 2023 Walt Morey Award in recognition of significant contributions that have enriched Oregon’s young readers and was named an Oregon Library Supporter of the Year in 2015 for her work advocating for strong school libraries. She is the author of multiple picture books, a contributor to the award-winning anthology, Oregon Reads Aloud, and the recipient of the coveted “Pleasure Reading Award” (her most memorable 5th grade achievement). Dawn lives in Portland, Oregon with her family and fan-favorites, Pickle the Cat and Sophie the Paddleboarding Pup. If asked what her favorite color is, she’ll usually say, “Purple.” Find out more at

Brian Rohr is a poet and performative storyteller, residing in the Pacic Northwest. His work has been featured in the Jewish Literary Journal, The Words Faire, Blink Ink, and his essay, “On Being a Story-Carrier’’ was published in the two-volume book set about Jewish Storytelling, "P’ri Etz Yitzhak, Fruit of Yitzhak’s Tree." He is the founder and director of “The Stafford Challenge,” an international poetry project inspiring over one thousand participants to write a poem every day for a year, influenced by the legendary poet William Stafford. As a storyteller and performative poet, Rohr has taught and performed at major conferences, high schools, universities, synagogues, libraries, and solo concerts. His debut book, "Shaken to my Bones: A Poetic Midrash on the Torah," was published by Ben Yehuda Press as part of their Jewish Poetry Project series. He is a proud father and husband and loves green and herbal teas.

Francesca G. Varela grew up right here in West Linn, Oregon. She's the author of four environmental and science fiction novels: 'Call of the Sun Child,' 'Listen,' 'The Seas of Distant Stars,' and 'Blue Mar.' In 2019, she was honored with the Independent Publisher Book Award for Science Fiction. When not writing or reading, Francesca spends her time playing piano, figure skating, drawing, hiking, doing yoga, spending time with her dog, Cashew, and exploring Oregon’s wild places.

Author-illustrator Ana Velez grew up in Quito, Ecuador. She was a graphic designer until a teaching position sparked a calling and she completed a Master’s Degree in Special Education. She’s been learning from neuro-divergent children ever since as a preschool specialist in Oregon public schools. When not attending to her feline rulers, she’s paddle- boarding down a river with her husband.

Wendy N. Wagner is a hiker, trail runner, and nature lover. She’s the author of the horror works Girl in the Creek (forthcoming 2025 from Tor Nightfire), The Deer Kings, and The Secret Skin, and the SF thriller An Oath of Dogs. Her short fiction has been nominated for the Theodore Sturgeon and Shirley Jackson awards, and her short stories, poetry, and essays have appeared in more than seventy venues. She serves as the editor-in-chief of Nightmare Magazine (for which she was nominated for the Locus award), and is part of the Hugo award- winning editorial team behind Lightspeed Magazine. She lives in Milwaukie, Oregon, with her very understanding family, a giant cat, and a Muppet disguised as a dog.

For most of her life Kali Wallace was going to be a scientist when she grew up. She studied geology in college, partly because she could get course credit for hiking and camping, and eventually earned a PhD in geophysics researching earthquakes in India and the Himalayas. Only after she had her shiny new doctorate in hand did she admit that she loved inventing imaginary worlds as much as she liked exploring the real one. Her most recent novel is Hunters of the Lost City, a middle grade fantasy adventure from Quirk Books. Her science fiction horror-thriller Dead Space won the 2022 Philip K. Dick Award. She is also the author of the sci horror Salvation Day, young adult novels Shallow Graves and The Memory Trees and the children's fantasy novel City of Islands. Her short fiction has appeared in Clarkesworld, F&SF, Asimov's, Lightspeed, and She lives in the Pacific Northwest.

As a child, Megan Woodward lived and traveled all over the world, but always felt at home with her head in a book. She’s a comedy screenwriter and a freelance writer and editor, but her true love is writing for kids. This Book Is Definitely Not Cursed is her debut picture book. She lives with her son and two cats in Portland, Oregon, where it rains all the time, but never on her parade.


Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Davala, Steve
Davidson, Sher
Dermatis, Dayle
Fuss, Vanessa
Koviak, Rio
Lunsford, Sara
Montgomery, Dede
Prochovnic, Dawn
Rohr, Brian
Varela, Francesca
Velez, Ana
Wagner, Wendy
Wallace, Kali
Woodward, Megan