Fitness Classes at the Library

Explore Fitness at Your Library! Our introductory classes are designed for community members eager to discover new fitness programs in a stress-free, try before you enroll environment. Led by knowledgeable instructors, these classes provide a supportive environment to explore new fitness routines and techniques. There is no charge for these events. 


You must have an active LINCC library card to register for this event. Registration is restricted to one fitness class at a time, duplicate registrations for other fitness classes will be canceled. The library's fitness classes are meant to provide opportunities for community members to learn about new fitness programs, and try a single session to determine if this program is right for them. You may enroll in weeks long fitness classes through the West Linn Parks & Rec. Scholarships for financial assistance are available for West Linn residents. Please review the Scholarship Policy and Application Form for more detail.  These classes are for adults (18 years and older).

Upcoming Classes

Fitness at the Library Program Cover for Qigong

Monday, March 24th at 2-3:30  |  Active LINCC Library Card Required for Registration   |  Free event

The West Linn Library will be offering a two hour Introduction to Qigong class. The class will introduce students to Qigong (pronounced Chi-Gong), which is an ancient Chinese practice of holistic healing which is gaining wide popularity around the world. The class will include Qigong breathing techniques, self-massage, immune boosting techniques, meditation, and skills to assist you in becoming your own best healer. When Qigong is properly practiced it is extremely beneficial and presents minimal risks to one’s health. The class will be taught by Master Qigong Teacher Lyndalea Ruffner, certified by the Ling Gui International Healing School of Qigong. This is a single introductory class, this is not a recurring class. This class is for adults (18 years and older).