
City of West Linn Robinwood Neighborhood Association (RNA, RN to be used for Robinwood Neighborhood) Monthly Meeting Minutes Tuesday, 6/10/08 Kevin Bryck, President, called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM. Scott Sandie, RNA Treasurer, noted that the RNA fiscal year account balance was $872.06. The May 2008 RNA meeting minutes were unanimously approved. Items Discussed Meeting Attendees – Voting Rights Various residents spoke of their interest in revising the by-laws of the RNA to allow any meeting attendee to vote (not just those meeting attendees who had attended a RNA meeting once in the past 12 months). A motion was made, seconded, and passed (19 in favor, 1 in opposition, 1 abstention) to eliminate the ‘must have attended one RNA meeting in the last 12 months’ qualifier when determining voting rights. Development of 18395 Shady Hollow Drive (across the street from Burgerville) David Amani, owner of lots in question (3 tax lots comprising over 2 acres of land), and his business associates (land-use planning consultant Marty Stiven, traffic specialist – Frank Charbonneau) spoke with residents about his interest in having the lot rezoned, from R10, to support his development objectives. Mr. Amani told the residents that the application process he is in engaged in is to amend West Linn’s comprehensive plan and to execute a zone change (not to proceed with an exact development plan). One option is to rezone it R2.1 allowing for a maximum of 43 units (townhomes at approximately 2100 sq. ft. per unit) versus the 9 homes (each home being of a size similar to each of the townhome structures in the R2.1 zoning plan) that would be possible with the current R10 zoning – Mr. Amani did note that he expects to be able 75% of the maximum amount of units possible for any zoning. Residents raised the following two concerns: • Why not go a density in between R10 and R2.1 (such as R4.5)? • It’s difficult to vote on the viability of a zone change application if the final use of the land, after rezoning, is still in question. • Impact on traffic patterns On the traffic issue, Traffic Specialist Mr. Charbonneau considered the following in his study: • Current traffic patterns • Projected traffic pattern changes through 2013 • Projected traffic pattern changes if zoning changes from R10 to R2.1 • Impact on traffic flow if an entrance to Robinwood Park is established off Shady Hollow Drive was not considered Mr. Charbonneau’s study predicts that a change to R2.1 zoning would triple the projected incremental trip generation for the streets and intersections in question. One resident noted that increased delays at the intersection of Shady Hollow and 43 might persuade people to access 43 from Arbor Drive. Ms. Stiven proposed that a condition be added to the comprehensive plan amendment and zoning change application asking that Mr. Amani and his development team work with ODOT to have access to the rezoned, developed lots from 43. Ms. Stiven then noted that residents would still have a chance to voice their thoughts on this matter at the Planning Commission and City Council public hearings on the matter. At this time, two motions were made, seconded, and passed to terminate discussion on the development of these lots and invite Mr. Amani and his development team back to the July RNA meeting. Kantara Way The applicant has appealed the City Council’s decision to ratify the appeal of the Planning Commission’s approval of the application (appeal supported by the RNA) to LUBA. Gordon Howard will prepare documentation on the city’s behalf required as part of the LUBA appeal process. Johnson Property Mayor King and Councilor Eberle joined in ‘calling up’ the planning department director’s decision on the Johnson property for review by the City Council. This review will occur at the City Council meeting on Monday, 7/14 at 6:30 PM. Meeting Minutes 20080610 Page 2 of 2 RN Picnic A motion was made, seconded, and passed (13 in favor, 2 opposed, 4 abstentions) to not have a RN picnic this year. Use of Remaining Funds in RNA Account After considering four options for spending the remaining monies in the RNA account by 6/30, a motion was made, seconded, and unanimously approved to proceed as follows: • Commit $300 to Arts Festival in the Forest to achieve their Love the Arts sponsorship level (Dave Froode may have already worked with City Hall, possibly you, to route these monies to this event as we signed a sponsorship agreement form at the 6/10 meeting). • Commit remaining $572.06 to the Arts Festival in the Forest fund on an interim basis (so we don't forfeit the monies should they go unused by 6/30) until we can find an appropriate canopy solution for the toddler equipment at Midhill Park (Tina Decker, RNA VP, is teaming with Ken Worcester to identify the best solution - there's no tree cover for the equipment and it gets too hot to use). When an appropriate solution is determined, the monies would be spent on that solution. Dave Froode approved of the Arts account as a holder of these monies. • If the $572.06 cannot be used as discussed in the second bullet, all $872.06 is to be distributed to, and used by at their discretion, the Arts Festival in the Forest. A motion was made, seconded, and passed for this third bullet (16 in favor, 0 in opposition, and 1 abstention). Relating to the continuing use of RNA monies, a motion was made, seconded, and passed (16 in favor, 1 in opposition, and 0 abstentions) to commit $20 per month to food and/or drinks for the monthly RNA meeting. Committee Reports Parks Committee (speaking, Tina Decker) • More participation is needed - if interested in participating in this committee, call Tina Decker at (503) 810-9163. • This committee plans to address needs at Cedar Oak Bridge, Cedar Island, Robinwood Park, Midhill Park, and Mary S. Young state park, and the needs of trails. Streets Committee (Curt Sommer) • Sidewalks on 43 are not wide enough to support bus shelters where needed. A resident suggested teaming with the Presbyterian Church to move ahead on a bus shelter for the bus stop nearest the church. Miscellaneous Updates • The City Council recently revised Code 99 of the CDC – Kevin Bryck has the amendments and they are also available on the city website. Meeting adjourned at 8:46 PM. Minutes authored by Scot Sandie, RNA Secretary