Call for Artists - Inspired by West Linn

Inspired by West Linn Fall Art Show

--This Call for Artists is Now Closed--


The West Linn Arts & Culture Commission will be curating a show at the West Linn Library for October 2024. If you are an artist in West Linn or the surrounding areas, we would love to see your work. Open to all ages and media. Deadline to apply is August 31. All work will be considered for acceptance into the show. Send questions to


The West Linn Arts and Culture Commission (WLACC) invites local artists to submit up to three works for consideration in the "Inspired by West Linn" juried exhibition celebrating the visual arts in West Linn. "Inspired by West Linn" will showcase the 2D and 3D artistic talent of the community we call home.

Deadline to apply: Saturday, August 31, 2024


Artists submitting work to the juried exhibition must be local to West Linn or the surrounding areas. Open to all ages and all media. The WLACC encourages submissions from all artists working in 2D or 3D media. Artists may submit up to a total of three pieces for jury consideration from the following categories: 

Wall-mounted works, including 2D media (such as painting, drawing, printmaking, mixed media, or photography) or sculptural or textile works intended to be hung on a wall. Wall-mounted works must be framed, wired and ready for display. No sawtooth hangers. Due to wall space restrictions, submitted works must not exceed 36 inches in either dimension (including frame), or extend more than 6 inches from the wall. Very heavy artwork that needs to be secured to a wall stud cannot be accepted.

Works displayed in the round, such as sculpture, ceramics, textiles/fiber art, and other works must be suitable for display on a pedestal or similar surface. Due to space restrictions, submitted works must fit safely on a pedestal no larger than 24” square. Submitted work must not exceed 50 lbs. 

Submissions of artwork that has been created within the last three years is highly encouraged. Work accepted in previous WLACC shows will not be hung.

Selection Process

Each submission will be evaluated by the WLACC for criteria including but not limited to: 

  1. Overall quality and artistic merit 
  2. Creative approach to the theme
  3. Diversity of media, style, technique, and artistic voice
  4. Detail and completeness of application 
  5. Appropriateness for public display particularly given the all-ages programming commonly held in the library

WLACC reserves the right to refuse submissions that do not meet the stated eligibility requirements or artwork that is beyond the scope or specification of the exhibition.

Entry Guidelines

To be considered for this opportunity, please email the required materials to prior to 11:59 PDT by Saturday, August 31, 2024 with the subject line "Art Submission". The body of your email should include:

  • Name as you would like it to appear on any materials associated with the show
  • Preferred email address
  • Website and social media links (optional)
  • A brief (fewer than 150 words) artist’s statement describing your work and/or process, as well as a brief explanation of your relationship with the City of West Linn
  • A numbered list of works submitted, including title, medium, dimensions (H x W x D), year completed, and sale price (works not for sale should be marked NFS)

Images of submitted works should be included as attachments (no embedded images, please). Images should be approximately 2000 pixels on the longest side and smaller than 10 MB each. Image file names should be numbered in accordance with the list included in the email and include the artist’s first and last name, as well as the work’s title. 3D artworks may submit up to three additional images of different views for each artwork, differentiated as A, B, and C. 

For example: 1_Liu_Jamie_Willamette_River_Views, 2A_Liu_Jamie_Ceramic_Sparrow, 2B_Liu_Jamie_Ceramic_Sparrow.

Please do not contact the library directly with any questions related to this Call for Artists.


Saturday, August 31: Application deadline. All submissions must be emailed by this date.

Wednesday, September 4: Selection committee meets to review applications.

Tuesday, September 13: Jury results and artwork drop-off instructions emailed to artists accepted into the show.

Sunday, September 29: Artwork drop-off at the library, 10 am - 2 pm

October 1- October 31: Exhibition open during regular library hours

Saturday, October 5, 3-5 pm:  Reception for exhibiting artists

Friday, November 1:  Artwork pick-up **Must be picked up between 10am-2:30pm


Not all submitted works will be accepted for inclusion. 

Artists will be notified of acceptance or nonacceptance no later than Sept 12. Notification will be made via email. There will be no personal feedback given by the jurors. If for any reason you do not receive your notification, please check the filters in your email account. 

Selected artists will receive detailed delivery and pick-up instructions. It is the artist’s responsibility to deliver and pick up their work (or to identify a representative who can do so in their absence). Artwork cannot be shipped. 

WLACC reserves the right to reject work that, upon delivery, differs from the original submission, or does not meet standards of durability, safety and quality.  If a selected artwork sells prior to exhibition, please notify the WLACC so alternative arrangements might be arranged. 

Artists retain all rights to submitted images and presented artwork.  Artists whose works are accepted into the show grant WLACC the right to use selected image(s) for printed and/or digital materials for promotional and exhibition purposes. 

Anyone interested in purchasing any of the displayed works will be directed to contact the artist directly. WLACC will not process any sales or collect any commission from the sale price. 

By submitting work, you agree that the images are your own work and that you own all rights to the images, and you take full responsibility for the content of the imagery, including the likeness of any recognizable individuals. Further, if presenting a photograph or image of any recognizable persons, you have obtained your subject’s permission to exhibit their likeness in a public forum. Content of submissions must be suitable for all audiences. Any submissions that do not meet the stated criteria are subject to disqualification.