It's time to vote!
The submissions are in and you're going to help us choose the winners! Please view the full sized images to really get the full experience before submitting your votes via the Google form. Please only submit one vote per category! We'll announce winners during Lib-Con, so get your votes in now!
Names will be shared on the library's social media with permission after voting has taken place!
Cosplay Contests
Take a moment to choose your favorites of our talented cosplayers! Click the images for a larger view, then submit your votes on the Google form linked below!
Judging Categories: Youth, Adult and Group
Vote for your favorites HERE!
Fanart Contest
Take a look at these awesome fanart submissions! Click the images for a larger view, then submit your votes on the Google form linked below!
Judging Categories: Drawing/ Painting, Photography and Lib-Con mascot Linn the Librarian redesign
Vote for your favorites HERE!
Fanfic Contest
Fanfic is the time honored tradition of helping our favorite characters and favorite stories keep on going. Click the links to open the pdfs and then vote at the Google form linked below!
One overall winner
Fanfic Entries
Star Cross - Prologue |