Lobby Posting Policy
Bulletin boards are provided by the West Linn Public Library as a public service to publicize individual meetings, cultural events, educational opportunities, and other programs and services of local non-profit organizations, occurring on a specific date and are not an on-going event. Priority will be given to library and city events. Acceptance of materials for display does not indicate an endorsement from the library of any specific group or organization, nor its policies and/or beliefs.
1. Materials must be submitted to library staff for approval. Only designated staff will post approved materials. Expired and rejected materials cannot be returned.
2. Due to space limitations, size of the material will be taken into consideration. Preference is given to items that are 8 ½ inches by 11 inches or are no larger than 11 inches by 17 inches. The appearance and content of all notices must be suitable for display in a public service area. Handwritten notices and notices with tear-off tags will not be posted. Only one announcement for any single event will be posted at the same time.
3. Accepted materials will also be posted on a first-come, first-served basis. Posted materials shall be approved, dated, and posted by a designated staff member. Any material posted or left in the designated area without authorization from the library will be discarded.
4. Publications which are purely business, commercial, religious, or election related are not accepted. The following types of notices will not be displayed, but are not limited to:
- Commercial notices or business advertisements
- Promotion of political candidates or agendas
- Personal advertisements or notices, garage sales, odd jobs, fundraisers, lost and found notices, etc.
- Legal notices
- Notices of religious tracts, regular worship or religious activities will not be accepted. However, notices of open events hosted at congregations and churches may be accepted.
- Non-profit organization’s campaigns or drives to generate memberships or subscriptions
- Petitions
5. Notices or handouts accepted from outside organizations must not denote sponsorship of its activities by the library. Only program partnerships planned, developed, and posted by the library can have such designation.
6. The library is not responsible for the preservation or protection of displayed items. Staff are not available to answer questions about any material displayed which are not directly related to Library services or materials.
7. Notices will be posted for no longer than a month and will be removed after the date of the advertised event. The library will dispose of all signs, posters, and other publicity items when they are removed. If space issues arise, city and county notices take precedence. In this situation, notices may be removed before the date of the advertised event.
8. Notices for ongoing meetings (i.e. clubs, classes, county programs) will follow the above guidelines, but may be allowed to stay up longer if space permits and at staff discretion.
The library reserves the right to refuse or remove any notice, flyer, or handout that does not comply with these policies and guidelines.