Common Threads Crochet & Knit Group

Calendar Date:
Repeats every month on the second Tuesday.
Tuesday, April 8, 2025 - 10:00am

Common Threads Crochet and Knit Group

2nd & 4th Tuesday   |   Community Room  |   10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Common Threads Crochet & Knit Group is a way of bringing yarn enthusiasts of all skill levels together for the purposes of sharing; listening; learning; and maybe finding inspiration to try something new.  We share patterns and work on whatever we've brought that day. This is not a teaching event, but we are happy to help you with mastering new stitches for your project.  No registration is required for this group. Hosted by Laura Bock.

* Please note, with how our website sets up recurring programs, the Calendar date will say "Repeats every month ...... on the second Tuesday." This program is set to meet on the second and fourth Tuesday of the month.