Pollinator Week

Calendar Date:
Friday, June 20, 2025 - 4:00pm


It's that time of year again when we celebrate the unsung heroes of our ecosystems – the pollinators! 

Get ready to buzz with excitement! The City of West Linn is hosting their annual Pollinator Week Celebration at the Mary S. Young Pollinator Garden. Join in on the fun with educational booths, a pollinator plant giveaway, seed and gift sales, crafts, and a pollinator scavenger hunt. It's a bee-utiful way to learn about these tiny heroes and how you can help them thrive! 


2025 Pollinator Week Celebration Event

Firday June 20th, 2025


Mary S. Young Pollinator Garden


Interested in having an educational booth, being a speaker, or getting involved? Inquire Here!


 2025 Educational booths:  Master Gardeners

 Flower Giveaway

 Seed & Gift sales


 Pollinator Scavenger Hunt with the Youth Advisory Council

 Event Sponsored By: Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace


From June 16th to 22nd, Pollinator Week buzzes into action, raising awareness about the vital role these winged wonders play in our world. But that's not all! Cities across the nation are joining the Bee City USA movement, committing to creating sustainable habitats for our pollinating pals. Imagine vibrant gardens, buzzing with bees, butterflies, and other pollinators, all working their magic to ensure our fruits and veggies reach our plates. During Pollinator Week, the West Linn Parks & Recreation Department hosts educational booths at the Mary S. Young pollinator garden. Learn how to create a pollinator-friendly oasis in your backyard, discover the fascinating world of native bees, and maybe even try your hand at beekeeping! 


Find out more about what it means to be a Bee City USA!



Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Pollinator Plants
Butterfly on Pollinator Plant
Bee City USA
OSU Master Gardeners