Park Rules

Park Rules and Information:

  • Parks are open one hour before Sunrise to one hour after Sunset unless otherwise posted.
  • Tennis/pickleball & basketball courts open 8am-Dusk.
  • Smoking, vaping and tobacco prohibited on City property.
  • Pets are welcome, but only on a leash except at off leash areas in Mary S. Young Park.
  • Pick up after after your pets.
  • No fires allowed.
  • No lighting fireworks allowed
  • Motorized vehicles are allowed only on roadways.
  • Do not drive or park on the grass.
  • Overnight parking is not allowed without prior approval.
  • Alcoholic beverages or their consumption shall be limited to wine and/or beer.

Rules for Specific locations and/or amenities:

  • Skyline Ridge Park- No Pickleball allowed

  • Tennis/pickleball & basketball courts open 8am-Dusk.

  • White Oak Savanna - No Dogs allowed

  • West Linn Skate Park - Tanner Creek Park

    • Open 9am - 8 pm or dusk, whichever is earlier

    • No glass containers. Alcohol or amplified music (that can be heard outside of park)




City Ordinances & State Statutes

West Linn Municipal Code

Standard Park and Open Space Hours: Ordinance 5.552
(1)    All public parks and open spaces of the City shall be open to the public from one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset. Nothing in this section prohibits citing for criminal trespass under State law. Violating standard park and open space hours is a Class B violation.

Penalty & Exclusion: Ordinance 5.555 Violation

(1)    Rules Violation. Violation of any parks and recreational facilities rules established by the Parks and Recreation Director by any person shall constitute a Class B violation.

(2)    Violation. Any person who violates any of the parks and recreational facilities provisions in this chapter is guilty of a violation and shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Section 1.205, unless the specific provision requires a different penalty.

(3)    Exclusion. In addition to other remedies provided for violation of this chapter, or of any of the laws of the State of Oregon, any peace officer or designated City official may exclude any person who violates any applicable provision of law in a City park or open space from any or all City parks for a period of 30 days for any violation or for a period not to exceed 120 days for criminal offenses. If the person to be excluded from a park has been excluded from a City park on two or more occasions within two years before the date of the present exclusion for criminal offenses, the exclusion shall be for a period not to exceed 180 days. Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the exclusion of any person lawfully exercising free speech rights or other rights protected by the State or Federal constitution. However, a person engaged in protected activity who commits acts that are not protected and violate applicable provisions of law shall be subject to exclusion as provided by this section.

Vehicles and Horses Prohibited in City Parks: Ordinance 5.560
     (Does not apply to designated public streets and parking areas)

Camping Prohibited:  Ordinance 5.565
(1)    No person shall camp in a tent, shelter, camper, vehicle or trailer in any park or open space, including park roads or parking lots, at any time, except as provided in subsection (2) of this section. 

Sound Levels and Noise: Ordinance 5.487

Dogs; Ordinance 5.250
A violation for any keeper of dog to allow to run at large upon a park, public street, highway or public place       or on private property not owned by dog keeper

Removal of Animal Waste: Ordinance 5.265
Any keeper in physical possession and control of a dog shall remove excrement or other solid waste deposited by the dog in any area not designed to receive such wastes, including but not limited to public areas such as streets, sidewalks, parking strips, public parks and any private property not owned by keeper.

Smoking, Vaping, and Tobacco Use prohibited: Ordinance 5.012

(1) Smoking, vaping, and tobacco use is prohibited on City owned or operated properties that are open to the public.

(a)    “Smoking” means inhaling, exhaling, or possessing any lighted or burning cigar, cigarette, pipe, grass, plant, liquid, vapor or other substance grown, manufactured, or processed which is intended to be used for smoking in any form.

(b)    “Vaping” means inhaling, exhaling, or possessing any noncombustible product that employs a mechanical heating element, electronic element, battery, circuit, cartridge, or other system that creates smoke, vapor, aerosol or any other byproduct.

(c)    “Tobacco use” means smoking, inhaling, exhaling, vaping, use of an electronic cigarette or other smoking device, the use of smokeless tobacco products, and any other ingestion or consumption of a tobacco product, except for the use of tobacco cessation products approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration.

West Linn Hold Harmless/Recreational Land/Facility Liability   

NOTICE: Oregon law (ORS 105.682, et seq.) provides that the City of West Linn is not liable in contract or tort for injury, death, or property damage that arises out of use of land for recreational purposes (known as “recreational use immunity”). That immunity from liability does not apply if the owner makes a charge for permission to use the land. The fee you paid is only for use of the reserved park shelter or athletic field. Other uses of this park, or any use of the property outside the reserved facility are not subject to a charge and, therefore, the City of West Linn is not liable for injuries, death, or property damage arising out of such uses of the property for which no specific charge has been made.