Friends of Maddax Woods Monthly Meeting

Calendar Date:
Repeats every month on the fourth Thursday 12 times.
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 3:30pm


The Friends of Maddax Woods invite you to enjoy the special features in and around Maddax Woods.   

Historic, cultural and natural features abound in this intimate  setting:

*Historic Home of Virgil and Dorothy Maddax

*Remnants of Virgil Maddax' boat-building barn and exposed launch rails to the river channel.

*Native and exotic plantings reminiscent of Dorothy Maddax gardens.

*Overlooks to the Willamette River and river channel to Goat Island.....with one of the largest nesting sites in the Portland Metro area for great blue herons.

*Rustic trails leading northwest to Burnside Park and southwest to the West Linn Public Library.

*Abundant perennial and annual shrubs, ferns, trees, flowering plants and creatures of all kinds.

A non-profit organization, the Friends of Maddax Woods (FOMW) works throughout the year to help the City maintain this 7 acre pristine natural woodland habitat.   Interpretive signage has been posted for year-round information and volunteer led public events are held several times a year.   

Donations to support the work of the Friends are graciously accepted:   IRS 501(c)3 #419897-99.   

Tax deductible donations can be sent to:   Friends of Maddax Woods     P.O. Box 481,  West Linn, OR  97068

Communications to the FOMW board can be sent to: 
Comments, stories and photos of your woodland experiences are welcome.

The Friends invite you to join monthly work parties or attend monthly board meetings to share ideas and help extend the work of the Friends and enhance the features of the Woods.

To help maintain the property, SOLVE cleanups, hosted by FOMW are held the 3rd Saturday of each month, January through December.    Work parties meet at the kiosk picnic table from 9am - noon.  SOLVE volunteers (those who sign up through the SOLVE system) join individual drop-in volunteers from the surrounding community.   Unaccompanied youth volunteers under the age of 16 must have a parent's signature at time of sign-in.  

Friends of Maddax Woods meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of each month, January to October.   No meeting in November.   Special year-end meeting the first Thursday of December.   

Meeting time:  3:30pm    Location:  West Linn Library-Trillium Room

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

Maddax Woods Entrance Sign
Virgil's Boat Hornet
Heron Nests on Goat Island
Back of House
Virgil's Old Boat Ramp
Heron Posters
Heron Information
Goat Island View
Heron Nesting