Willamette River Waterfront

Project ID: 
Project Type:
Project Status: 
In Process
Project Budget: 
$700,000 Bond Allocation
Project Manager: 
Megan Big John
Project Contact Information: 
mbigjohn@westlinnoregon.gov, 503-742-6047
Project Dates: 
July 2020 - June 2021 or beyond

The project is envisioned to create a new park area centered on water related activities potentially including paddle craft lessons and rentals, a roped-off river swimming area and natural area and habitat improvements. This project also includes the Willamette Greenway Trail extension of Phase 1 trail from Willamette Park to the Willamette Falls. 

Project Cost to date = $18,818

Willamette Greenway Trail - Ongoing when possible
Conversations with PGE (property owner) allowed survey work for potential trail route. Survey completed and showed the proposed trail alignment not suitable due to terrain, creek crossing and the high cost to navigate the terrain.

Portions of trail route are in private ownership and when possible discussions will be held with property owners for a potential agreement for trail.

New Park area centered around water- To be explored as opportunity arises with land in the downriver area of Bernert Landing/Willamette Park not owned by the City. 2019 Parks Recreation and Open Space Master Plan list this as a top priority.


Disclaimer notice regarding the project information on this site: The City of West Linn is pleased to provide as much information as possible on our website for the benefit of the public. This information is updated by staff on a periodic (not daily) basis. However, please be aware of the following: The information on this site is not the official file of record and there may be additional project information in the file of record that is not posted on this site. The information on this site may not include the latest submittals or changes to an application. Interested parties are encouraged to call the City project manager with any inquiries on a project. The official file of record is kept in the City Department managing the project and is available for public review during regular office hours at City Hall located at 22500 Salamo Road, West Linn, Or 97068. Any questions related to any project should be directed to the project manager listed in the file, or by calling City Hall at 503-657-0331.