2018 Old TIme Fair Court Selected

From left to right: Sarah Talbert, Lila Skates, Grace Heaton, Payton Heth, and Leah Culbertson

On February 15th, as is tradition, four West Linn 8th grade students were selected for the 2018 Old Time Fair Court at the historic McLean House. Seven earnest and outstanding candidates vied for the opportunity to represent the community of West Linn. It was an honor for Queen Grace Heaton to crown the new princesses, while each were warmly and wholeheartedly congratulated.

They are:

Princess Leah Culbertson is an Athey Creek Middle School student. She is the daughter of Phil and Anne Culbertson. Her strong leadership skills are demonstrated through participation in Girl Scouts, tutoring for the ACMS Homework Club, supporting the transition of new students into the school and being a student ambassador by hosting a visiting student from Korea. She has been studying the Chinese language for three years and loves to dance, cook, swim, ice skate, draw and volunteer.

The daughter of Lola Skates and Mike Skates, Princess Lila Skates, is already making a difference through her service work in, and beyond, West Linn. At Athey Creek Middle School she has participated in 6th grade orientation, 6th grade turning point, provided leadership for the Turkey Trot to benefit the food pantry, and a Red Cross fundraiser to benefit hurricane victims. She plays lacrosse, soccer and volleyball. And she has a unique hobby making things from Duck Tape.

Princess Payton Heth is the daughter of Michelle Heth. Payton is also a student at Athey Creek Middle School where she is active in leadership class, turning point, 6th grade orientation, natural helper. She has played basketball and soccer, took part in the polar plunge. She also volunteers at her church, nursing homes and with Special Olympics Oregon. She is passionate about dance and loves traveling and outdoor activities including paddle boarding and surfing.

Princess Sarah is the daughter of Matt and Heidi Talbert. At Athey Creek Middle School Sarah has participated in robotics, running, the musical, battle of the books, the international science and engineering fair, was a district dancer, and concert section leader, played in the jazz band, state honor band, northwest band camp, and the Korea studies program. As a member of National Charity League she has volunteered a great deal in West Linn and the surrounding area. Her hobbies include reading, running and enjoying family and friends.

Along with 2017 Old Time Fair Queen, Grace Heaton, they will attend the Oregon City PioneerĀ Festival Teddy Bear Parade in May, the Portland Rose Festival Starlight Parade in June, and attend numerous West Linn community events throughout the year, including, the Earth Day Work Day, Daddy Daughter Dance, Mother Son Sports Spectacular, Street Dance, and holiday events.

This year is the 62nd continuous year of the Old Time Fair. The dates of the fair this year are, July 20, 21 and 22nd and held at Willamette Park. The new queen will be selected during the opening ceremony on Friday, July 20th at 6 pm.

2018 OTF Court Selection Night